- Provides safety for miners
- Protects customer’s equipment underground
- Maximizes mine production
- Collects Real-time data
- Predictable failures
- Secure Settings
Becker has redefined the mining market by developing a new Ground Fault Relay with innovative state of the art technology. The Becker Mining America new SGF-25 Sensitive Ground Fault Relay is a .025- .5 amp Ground Fault Relay that is capable of very sensitive high accuracy ground current and look-ahead protection.
It has the ability to “look ahead” and determine a configurable ground resistance condition before the motor power circuit is energized. A graphical touch screen display is now provided in the single relay assembly, providing real time data, configuration, data log and a help menu.
The new SGF-25 is used to protect electrical cables and motors from phase to ground faults as well as preventing the electrician from closing the circuit into a fault. When the preset level of the fault current and time delay are exceeded, the relay will initiate a trip action. The new SGF25 system uses a current transformer connected in a zero sequence or a ground return sensing method.
- The new SGF-25 Relay is used for critical 4160 volt applications where very sensitive
- high accuracy ground current protection with high degree of nuisance tripping immunity is important.
- This relay is required to properly protect large horsepower circuits.
Existing Features
- Very sensitive, high accuracy current measurement (.025 to .500 amps)
- High degree of nuisance trip immunity
- Time delay tripping range 0 to 250 milliseconds
- Look ahead circuit that verifies condition of power circuit before energization (Range: 100K to 10M ohm)
- Accepts CT test winding
- Remote 120 VAC test trip
- Remote 120 VAC reset
- Failsafe design - Output relay coils are energized during non-fault conditions
- Requires BMA/SMC high noise rejection CT’s
New Features
- Touch screen VGA display
- Draw-out relay with mine duty connectors
- Ethernet capable for writing to a .CSV file or web part
- USB flash drive connector to upload data log and download firmware
- Field replaceable lithium battery and VGA display
- Password protected configuration
Supply Voltage 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz Ground-Current Sensitivity 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500 mA Ground-Current Trip Delay 0, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200,225,250 mSec Cable Resistance Sensitivity 100K, 250K, 500K, 750K, 1Meg ohms 2 Form C Contacts 250 VAC, 10 Amps make, 2000 VA break
Part Numbers
SGF-25 Ground Fault Relay Part No. 500-1800 SGF-25 3” CT Part No. C4310-003 SGF-25 5” CT Part No. C4310-005 SGF-25 HV Coupler Part No. C4310-010